Rejuvenation Startup Summit 2022 started to publish videos of selected talks
The Inaugural Rejuvenation Startup Summit 2022, brought to you by the Forever Healthy Foundation, took place with over 400 participants from over 30 countries in October.
It is a vibrant networking event that aims to accelerate the development of the rejuvenation biotech industry. The Summit brings together startups, members of the longevity venture capital / investor ecosystem, and researchers interested in founding or joining a startup – all aiming to create therapies to vastly extend the healthy human lifespan.
We started to publish videos with this first set of selected speakers on the 2022 summit:
- Michael Greve, Founder and CEO of the Forever Healthy Foundation
- Alex Blyth, Founder and CEO of LIfT BioSciences
- Alex Schueller, CEO of cellvie AG
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About Forever Healthy
Forever Healthy is Michael Greve’s humanitarian initiative with the mission of enabling people to vastly extend their healthy lifespan. Forever Healthy’s projects include evaluation of new rejuvenation therapies, evidenced-based curation of the world’s cutting-edge medical knowledge, funding translational research on the root causes of aging, and hosting the annual Undoing Aging Conference and the Rejuvenation Startup Summit.
Michael Greve’s venture capital firm Kizoo, which provides mentoring, seed and follow-on financing for rejuvenation biotech startups, is also part of the initiative. To date, Kizoo has funded fourteen startups turning research on the root causes of aging into therapies for human application.
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